When the Storm Arrives
Every close relationship is bound to have its storms, just like how storms are a natural and crucial part of nature. Some storms are stronger than others, and some can be predicted while others come unexpectedly.
In either case, it's crucial to know what to do. When you're out in a boat during stormy weather, you need to be aware of an approaching storm so that you can reach a safe harbor before it arrives. This requires knowledge and experience, and it's always helpful to have an experienced sailor or guide to show you the way.
Similarly, in relationships, you need to anticipate an approaching storm when possible and reach a safe harbor before it hits. This also requires knowledge and experience, and an experienced guide can help you acquire the skills you need.
The Safe Harbor Method provides you with the information you need to know what to do when the storm arrives, whether expected or unexpected. Practicing these skills before the storm hits is essential since it's challenging to learn them when you're in the middle of a storm.
We provide you with a simple way to learn everything you need to create your own Safe Harbor for the important relationships in your life. And it's free. If you want a guide to help, you can find an experienced guide on our website.
Most of us have had difficult conversations that didn't go well and ended poorly. We often avoid having another conversation on the same topic to prevent such an outcome, but this is often impossible. Avoidance is a natural response to stressful situations, but it doesn't help us feel closer to each other.
We can't avoid having difficult conversations and expect to feel as close to each other as we'd like. Over time, we can slowly drift away from each other without even noticing it.
The Safe Harbor Method offers a straightforward yet powerful way to have these conversations and end up feeling closer to each other quickly. You'll learn that you don't have to be afraid of losing connection with the important people in your life, which is often our greatest fear. We've all lost connection with people with whom we were once close because we didn't know how to have these difficult conversations, and nobody gave us the tools we needed.